Saturday, April 13, 2013

What and who is on Facebook?

Facebook to me, has meant a place to share family events that revolve around positive attributes of love, happiness, and all the joys of family life. It serves as a platform for me to share prayer needs, together with the Living Truths of the God I believe in and follow.
I 'dislike' it when users post their dirty laundry, or use it as a place to slander, or expose the privacy of others without consent, and everything else that is negatively destructive.  I find all this distasteful and unnecessary. A site called something negative like "Face Off', should be created for people who partake in negative and soul destroying interaction.

It is a networking site I joined, believing to be clean and safe from the painstaking claws of evils that want to consume as many souls as it can to join in its own fate of the eternal, rancid and, deathly fiery darkness it is consumed by. I believed it was safe from evil forces that so desperately want to pry into the innocence of naivety, into the safe boundaries set by parents for their children, into the hearts of those pursuing the path of all that is clean, safe and pure.

However, curiosity on how safe this site is, revealed pages that have changed my perception of ‘family networking site’ to one of ‘unsafe networking site’. I typed key words into search, and absolutely revolting, sexually explicit pages were revealed! Nothing is censored, and not a lot left to the imagination!

The question I ask now is, “What kind of networking site has Facebook become? Will appropriate action be taken, and where will the line be drawn”?

I will continue to promote all that I believe in on Facebook, but, I think it necessary for us to band together and shun all that should not be there. All that adult entertainment stuff, all that smut that is for free to all. Let's stand in and effort to help those whose curiosity will drag them down to the pits of eternal death, be safe from the wrath of sin.
Please join me in lots of posts to the 'Facebook' team page, where complaints can be made about what and who should be on the supposed family networking site.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Quiet Please

Psalm 141:3 (NKJV)                                                                     3 Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; Keep watch over the door of my lips.

So often we speak before sincerely thinking about the impact of our words. And because of that, we can either lift people’s spirits, or totally break them down.

The questions are: What impact would you want your words to have? How would you want others to respond to you? What sort of aura do you want to impart? Do you want to earn respect and friends, or do you want people to steer clear of you, turning your space into absolute loneliness. 

I would imagine that you would want to have a positive impact, allowing others to respond with respect, filling them with a desire to become a friend who loves being in your sincerely positive, caring and peaceful space.

Lord God, thank You for Your Word, which teaches and encourages us to lean on, and trust in your guidance. Father, as You guard our mouths from destruction, please fill us with wisdom to speak in ways that will radiate joy, peace, and Your light, into all those we interact with. In Jesus name I pray, amen.