Thursday, January 30, 2020


In His Light!

How often do you pray for God’s will in your life, and then resort back to what you know without Him? I know I do, and then I have to go through the process of conviction, seeking forgiveness and praying once again for God to change my ways.

There have been some in my life, who have caused unnecessary pain, which has resulted in feelings of anguish and bitterness. I have not been able to defend myself for two reasons. One, those to whom I would plead innocence would never believe in me and secondly, I find defending myself against someone else’s deceit very exhausting.

When I sit and think about all these situations, I inevitably think about them on my own, without God’s opinions, which causes triggers of anger and hatred to settle in my heart, resulting in tears of anguish and frustration. The flesh rules over the spirit all because God is not in on the thoughts.

However, when it comes to praying, I have an absolute change of heart, because the presence of my loving Father God changes my heart and allows the Holy Spirit to work as intended. It is during these times that I see the picture as God shows it to me. These forlorn helpless creatures of creation, crawling around laden with heavy chains, chains bound around them by the evil one, who has attached heavy padlocks, without keys. I see these poor souls, looking around desperately seeking escape from these hellholes, wanting to be free from the burden of sin but with no hope in their sight.

This causes much pain in my heart and my prayers come out with the utmost sincerity, prayer requests of a desire that only God could instil. I become obedient to the spirit as the desires of the flesh vanish from my heart. It is at times like this that I beg and plead with the Holy Spirit to erase all bad memories, to take all the excess Godless baggage that I hold onto, and throw it all into the burning pits of hell, to never return again. God hears my sincerity whilst I pray from my heat in His presence.

His presence causes me to feel nothing but love and compassion for these people as I pray for them and myself and ask God’s mercies upon us all. I pray that He would instil in me a forgiving heart and that He would reveal all my iniquities in order that I may seek forgiveness too. I pray for His light to be upon each one of us, that it may penetrate our beings as His light eventually shines in its brilliance out of every one of us as we surrender our all to him. This is the day, I pray about, and look forward to. Until such time, I will keep praying for God to be in my face more and more as I grow closer and closer to Him. I will keep praying that He would be there to deny the desires of my flesh as He convicts me of any impure feelings. I will keep praying that His light and His presence would cause me to be His obedient child.

It is a difficult road but for as long as I look to His light, I will be on a forward march without a need to step back.

Psalm 67:1
“God be merciful to us and bless us, And cause His face to shine upon us.”

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