Thursday, January 30, 2020


Little Warriors!

Today was the last day of my leadership in Promiseland, after teaching my grade 4 girls for 2 years. It was a sad moment saying goodbye, but not so sad knowing that I would still be around. I will still see them on Sundays when I attend church but I will miss being with them knowing how awesome my time there was.

I loved the children's worship because all the songs are action songs. It allowed me to feel free with my emotions, to jump around like a hooligan in absolute freedom, with no worries of who is watching me. The reason being is that as leaders, we were there to encourage the children to enjoy singing for Jesus. To show them how much fun loving Jesus Christ is. I believe I was the oldest leader but I'm sure younger at heart than many there.

Children are a gift from God, a gift given for us to lead. Why not start them off with joyful hearts, not only at church but at home and in schools. Teach them how to love loving God and His music and His ways and His followers and more so, His word.

Its the light of life knowing Jesus, a light that will shine forever, a light to share with our little warriors in Christ. Join in and be a warrior for Jesus, be yourself in Him and allow Him to be Himself in you.

Lord Jesus, thank you for loving us, for giving us such joys in knowing you and living for you. I pray for all the little children of this world, that they would find you and become little warriors for you. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

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